Advanced Licensing

We Will Help You Expand
Your Business Nationally

Making your business your a household name,
without traditional overhead


John Bellave, kathy ireland Licensing LLC CEO: A Genuine Good-Hearted Serial Entrepreneur Helping Companies Expand Effectively

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “a good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves”. John Bellave, the CEO of kathy ireland Licensing LLC, is a well-respected leader and innovator amongst his peers and colleagues. He’s dedicated 15 years to great service and developing ground-breaking businesses and business opportunities for a multitude of partners and organizations. John was recently awarded the honor of the ‘Top 30 CEOs in the United States’ –a tribute to his hardwork and dedication that is greatly deserved. Mr. Bellave has an innate desire for enhancing the lives of entrepreneurs and that kind of impetuous aspiration to aid others to achieve greatness should be celebrated. Read the Full Article on The Silicon Review®